
I wish I understood what clicked this time. I've failed over and over and over again at my fitness & health journey, but something stuck this time. Many have said it's finding your why that will keep you motivated; and that it has to be something beyond your physical appearance. But what if you don't have your why?

I honestly don't know what it is that is my source of motivation or my why. It could be my son, the want to be able to play with him endlessly. It could be seeing how the standard American diet is basically killing the entire nation. It could be that I just want a flat stomach. It could be I just wanted to look good in Lululemon. (I'm leaning more towards the later with this one.)

Whatever it is, it is working and I don't want to lose it. So if that means this PE drop out needs to keep herself in Lulu to stay motivated, you'll find me by the legging cubes.


Lululemon is Self Care


Pt 2 – How To Survive Brain Surgery