In this time of giving thanks, I've been listing to podcasts about being thankful for what you have and appreciating exactly what you have achieved versus always feeling like you are missing out because you want more. Basically, rewiring the typical American mindset....
Somehow, I am not sure how exactly this connected, but I started thinking about my Grandmother. Most people don't realize her first career was a teacher. But not just any teacher. She taught Physical Education - the exact thing I basically failed at as a child. Isn't it ironic as the great Alanis would say. 0
Am I following in her footsteps? Well, I am not going to teach little kids, besides my own, how to have fun with fitness. But, will I help others? I guess only time will tell. It is interesting to me that we have this connection to being active that I just didn't connect before. I am thankful for the guys over at Mind Pump for helping me make the connection.