Top 3 Stress Reducers for Moms
We all need tools in our kit to quickly reduce our stress load as moms. Here are 3 tricks I’ve used when combating work, life, and everyday stress as a working mom.
When we are stressed our body burns through magnesium like crazy. At its core, magnesium helps calm the body and it needs more when we are going through tough days. For the super stressed out moms in our practice, they are taking a high quality magnesium twice a day while others are as needed - it is all bio-individual.
I know how hard it can be to get over 7 hours of sleep but it is the number 1 top thing you can do for your body. Now, for those of us with small children at home, it doesn’t have to be 7 hours consecutive, it can be broken up (ex: 5 overnight and 2 during a nice long nap). But, ideally it is all at once to let your body go through its cleaning process. Did you know during sleep is when your body removes built up plaque in the brain and keeps everything preforming optimally?
Allow your body to calm down for 5 minutes at a time. Find a meditation program you love and can commit to. It really only takes 5 minutes at a time to feel amazing! If you have more time, work up to 15+ minutes or schedule three 5 minute sessions into your day. After a few weeks of practicing you are going to feel like a new person and wonder why you didn’t start sooner. Plus, meditation has helped me in so many other ways. MRIs are less scary when you can be blissfully unaware of what is going on around you through meditation. If you don’t have access to a meditation program, send me a message and I will send you one of my tracks.